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How to make <div>s in HTML5 draggable for Firefox?

I am playing around with the HTML5 features, and I want div's (and similar containers like articles, sections, etc.) to be draggable. Consider the following code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>A Simple Draggable Object</title>

    <h1>Test #1: A Simple Draggable Object</h1>
    <div draggable="true">This text should be draggable.</div>

I tested in OS X the following browsers: In Chrome 7.0 and Safari 5.0.2 I can successfully drag the text around, but in Firefox 3.6 and 4.0b6 I can neither drag the text nor mark it (as if it was usual text). Is this a bug or a feature? How do I achieve that Firefox lets me drag around these tags without using jQuery ?


  • According to HTML5 Doctor, this won't work in Firefox without some JS help.

    The HTML 5 spec says it should be as simple as adding the following attributes to the markup of the elements in question:


    However, this doesn’t work completely for Safari or Firefox. For Safari you need to add the following style to the element:

    [draggable=true] {
      -khtml-user-drag: element;

    This will start working in Safari, and as you drag it will set a default, empty value with the dataTransfer object. However, Firefox won’t allow you to drag the element unless you manually set some data to go with it. To solve this, we need a dragstart event handler, and we’ll give it some data to be dragged around with:

    var dragItems = document.querySelectorAll('[draggable=true]');
    for (var i = 0; i < dragItems.length; i++) {
      addEvent(dragItems[i], 'dragstart', function (event) {
        // store the ID of the element, and collect it on the drop later on