I'm trying to make a fancy banner module on my webstite to show alternately banners like this:
But the result is like this...
The code looks like this
{foreach blablabla}
<div class="{cycle values="col-md-7,col-md-5"} col-sm-6 col-xs-12 pzero">
<a href="{$slide.url|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" title="{$slide.description|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}">
<img src="#" alt="{$slide.legend|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" class="img-responsive" />
Well you're doing a cycle with a set of 2 values, but what you really need are 4 (black,gray,gray,black)
So just repeat them:
{cycle values="col-md-7,col-md-5,col-md-5,col-md-7"}