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Structure array assigning

I have a 1x5 structure array called Game with two fields i.e.

Game(5) = struct(Points, Scorers);

Now, I also have a cell-array (5x2 cell array) (imported from xlsread - so its all in cell-array form).

pts = [1 2;3 4;5 6;7 8;9 10];

How should I go about assigning each row of pts, to each of the 5 structures in Game, respectively?

For example: Game(3).Points should be row 3 of pts (which is [5 6]).

Game(2).Points should be [3 4]. Game(1).Points will be [1 2].


  • If your worksheet is organized such that rows correspond to observations and columns correspond to variables - e.g. points (numeric) and scorers (string) - you can import the data into Matlab using:

    [pts, scr] = xlsread(file);

    Then you can simply read the matrix pts and cell array scr into each field of a structure array as:

    Game = struct('Points', num2cell(pts,2), 'Scorers', scr);

    This takes advantage of struct()'s built-in ability to match output dimensions to its inputs, avoiding the use of a for loop to iteratively assign imported values to the fields.