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Does `sp_executesql` really accepts the `nvarchar(max)` argument?

Summary: The EXEC sp_executesql @code fails for the content longer than 4000 in the @code, but the @code is not truncated to 4000 unicode characters.

I am observing the problem on SQL Server 2014 Developer Edition.

More details: my SQL installation script defines some code dynamically because it should modify the code so that it reflects the environment (only once, during the installation). Let the following @datasource variable captures results for the specific environment:

DECLARE @datasource nvarchar(100) = N'testdb.dbo.source_table'

The @code variable is declared to be of nvarchar(max) type, and the REPLACE function is used to modify the string as needed (that is to replace the placeholder by the @datasource content) -- see the snippet below.

When executing sp_executesql with the @code in the Management Studio, the following error is displayed:

Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Procedure my_sp, Line 86
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'AS'.
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure my_sp, Line 88
Incorrect syntax near 'WHERE'.

The snippet below is the exact copy of the code that fails the above way (to be reproduced). The functionality is probably not important -- probably only the length of the code is. The @code content is apparently truncated by the sp_executesql; however, it should not be (see below):

-- ... repeated from above
DECLARE @datasource nvarchar(100) = N'testdb.dbo.source_table'

DECLARE @code nvarchar(MAX) = REPLACE(N'
-- Comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment.
-- Comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment.
-- Comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment.
    DECLARE @result int = -555   -- Comment comment comment comment comment.

    -- Comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment.
    -- Comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment.
    DECLARE @info_table TABLE (
        action nvarchar(10),    -- Comment comment comment comment comment
        firmaID int,            -- Comment comment comment comment comment
        kod numeric(8, 0),      -- Comment comment comment comment comment
        oz1 nvarchar(40),       -- Comment comment comment comment comment
        oz2 nvarchar(40),       -- Comment comment comment comment comment
        oz3 nvarchar(40),
        oz4 nvarchar(40)

-- Comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment.
    BEGIN TRANSACTION tran_firmy
        MERGE dbo.firmy AS target
        USING (SELECT kod, ico, dic, nazev,
               oz1, oz2, oz3, oz4,
               ulice, mesto, psc
               FROM @datasource) AS source
        ON target.kod = source.kod
        WHEN MATCHED AND (COALESCE(target.ico, '''') != COALESCE(source.ico, '''')
                          OR COALESCE(target.dic, '''') != COALESCE(source.dic, '''')
                          OR COALESCE(target.nazev, '''') != COALESCE(source.nazev, '''')
                          OR COALESCE(target.nepouzivat_oz1, '''') != COALESCE(source.oz1, '''')
                          OR COALESCE(target.nepouzivat_oz2, '''') != COALESCE(source.oz2, '''')
                          OR COALESCE(target.nepouzivat_oz3, '''') != COALESCE(source.oz3, '''')
                          OR COALESCE(target.nepouzivat_oz4, '''') != COALESCE(source.oz4, '''')
                          OR COALESCE(target.jeaktivni, 0) != COALESCE(source.jeaktivni, 0)
                          OR COALESCE(target.ulice, '''') != COALESCE(source.ulice, '''')
                          OR COALESCE(target.mesto, '''') != COALESCE(source.mesto, '''')
                          OR COALESCE(target.psc, '''') != COALESCE(source.psc, '''')
                          ) THEN
            SET target.ico = source.ico,
                target.dic = source.dic,
                target.nazev = source.nazev,
                target.nepouzivat_oz1 = source.oz1,
                target.nepouzivat_oz2 = source.oz2,
                target.nepouzivat_oz3 = source.oz3,
                target.nepouzivat_oz4 = source.oz4,
                target.jeaktivni = source.jeaktivni,
                target.ulice = source.ulice,
                target.mesto = source.mesto,
                target.psc = source.psc,
                target.changed = GETDATE(),
                target.changedby = ''dialog''
            INSERT (kod, ico, dic, nazev,
                    nepouzivat_oz1, nepouzivat_oz2, nepouzivat_oz3, nepouzivat_oz4,
                    ulice, mesto, psc,
                    created, createdby)
            VALUES (source.kod, source.ico, source.dic, source.nazev,
                    source.oz1, source.oz2, source.oz3, source.oz4,
                    source.ulice, source.mesto, source.psc,
                    GETDATE(), ''dialog'')
            $action AS action,  -- INSERT or UPDATE
            inserted.ID AS firmaID,
            inserted.kod AS kod,
            inserted.nepouzivat_oz1 AS oz1,
            inserted.nepouzivat_oz2 AS oz2,
            inserted.nepouzivat_oz3 AS oz3,
            inserted.nepouzivat_oz4 AS oz4
        INTO @info_table;

        -- Comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment.
        -- Comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment.
        SET @result = @@ROWCOUNT

        -- Comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment.
        -- Comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment.
        DELETE FROM obchodni_zastupci AS ozt
        WHERE ozt.kod IN (
            SELECT kod FROM @info_table AS it WHER it.action = ''UPDATE''

        -- Comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment.
        -- Comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment.
        UPDATE dodaci_adresy
            SET custID = f.ID
        FROM firmy AS f,  dodaci_adresy AS da
        WHERE da.custID IS NULL AND f.kod = da.kod_firmy

        COMMIT TRANSACTION tran_firmy
        ROLLBACK TRANSACTION tran_firmy
        SET @result = -1  -- Comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment.

    RETURN @result          -- Comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment.
END', N'@datasource', N'testdb.dbo.source_table')

-- The following prints only show that the full-length string is there
PRINT SUBSTRING(@code, 0, 4000)
PRINT '-----------------------------------------------------------'
PRINT SUBSTRING(@code, 4000, 10000)

EXEC sp_executesql @code

-- The following command also does not work (uncomment it).
-- EXEC(@code)

-- Even splitting to two variables and passing the concatenation 
-- does not work. 
-- DECLARE @code1 nvarchar(MAX) = SUBSTRING(@code, 0, 4000)
-- DECLARE @code2 nvarchar(MAX) = SUBSTRING(@code, 4000, 10000)
-- EXEC(@code1 + @code2)

Notice the two PRINT commands. The first one prints the first 4000 characters, the second one the rest. It is cut in the middle of the line, but it is used only to show that the @code really contains the full string.

The documentation for the sp_executesql (Transact-SQL) says:

[ @stmt= ] statement

[...] The size of the string is limited only by available database server memory. On 64-bit servers, the size of the string is limited to 2 GB, the maximum size of nvarchar(max).

I have found elsewhere the hint to use EXEC(@code) that does not have the limitation of the sp_executesql. However, it contradicts with the above cited part of the documentation. Moreover, the EXEC(@code) also does not work.

When the same content after the replacement is copy/pasted to the SQL console, it works (that is the procedure is created).

How to solve the case?


  • The sp_executesql does accept NVARCHAR(MAX). The problem is that there is an error is in the query template at the following statement:

        DELETE FROM obchodni_zastupci AS ozt
        WHERE ozt.kod IN (
            SELECT kod FROM @info_table AS it WHER it.action = ''UPDATE''

    It should be: as follow:

        DELETE FROM obchodni_zastupci
        WHERE obchodni_zastupci.kod IN (
            SELECT kod FROM @info_table AS it WHERE it.action = ''UPDATE''

    The full query should look as follow:

    DECLARE @datasource nvarchar(100) = N'testdb.dbo.source_table'
    DECLARE @template NVARCHAR(MAX) = N'
    -- Comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment.
    -- Comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment.
    -- Comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment.
    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.my_sp
        DECLARE @result int = -555   -- Comment comment comment comment comment.
        -- Comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment.
        -- Comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment.
        DECLARE @info_table TABLE (
            action nvarchar(10),    -- Comment comment comment comment comment
            firmaID int,            -- Comment comment comment comment comment
            kod numeric(8, 0),      -- Comment comment comment comment comment
            oz1 nvarchar(40),       -- Comment comment comment comment comment
            oz2 nvarchar(40),       -- Comment comment comment comment comment
            oz3 nvarchar(40),
            oz4 nvarchar(40)
    -- Comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment.
        BEGIN TRANSACTION tran_firmy
        BEGIN TRY
            MERGE dbo.firmy AS target
            USING (SELECT kod, ico, dic, nazev,
                   oz1, oz2, oz3, oz4,
                   ulice, mesto, psc
                   FROM @datasource) AS source
            ON target.kod = source.kod
            WHEN MATCHED AND (COALESCE(target.ico, '''') != COALESCE(source.ico, '''')
                              OR COALESCE(target.dic, '''') != COALESCE(source.dic, '''')
                              OR COALESCE(target.nazev, '''') != COALESCE(source.nazev, '''')
                              OR COALESCE(target.nepouzivat_oz1, '''') != COALESCE(source.oz1, '''')
                              OR COALESCE(target.nepouzivat_oz2, '''') != COALESCE(source.oz2, '''')
                              OR COALESCE(target.nepouzivat_oz3, '''') != COALESCE(source.oz3, '''')
                              OR COALESCE(target.nepouzivat_oz4, '''') != COALESCE(source.oz4, '''')
                              OR COALESCE(target.jeaktivni, 0) != COALESCE(source.jeaktivni, 0)
                              OR COALESCE(target.ulice, '''') != COALESCE(source.ulice, '''')
                              OR COALESCE(target.mesto, '''') != COALESCE(source.mesto, '''')
                              OR COALESCE(target.psc, '''') != COALESCE(source.psc, '''')
                              ) THEN
                SET target.ico = source.ico,
                    target.dic = source.dic,
                    target.nazev = source.nazev,
                    target.nepouzivat_oz1 = source.oz1,
                    target.nepouzivat_oz2 = source.oz2,
                    target.nepouzivat_oz3 = source.oz3,
                    target.nepouzivat_oz4 = source.oz4,
                    target.jeaktivni = source.jeaktivni,
                    target.ulice = source.ulice,
                    target.mesto = source.mesto,
                    target.psc = source.psc,
                    target.changed = GETDATE(),
                    target.changedby = ''dialog''
                INSERT (kod, ico, dic, nazev,
                        nepouzivat_oz1, nepouzivat_oz2, nepouzivat_oz3, nepouzivat_oz4,
                        ulice, mesto, psc,
                        created, createdby)
                VALUES (source.kod, source.ico, source.dic, source.nazev,
                        source.oz1, source.oz2, source.oz3, source.oz4,
                        source.ulice, source.mesto, source.psc,
                        GETDATE(), ''dialog'')
                $action AS action,  -- INSERT or UPDATE
                inserted.ID AS firmaID,
                inserted.kod AS kod,
                inserted.nepouzivat_oz1 AS oz1,
                inserted.nepouzivat_oz2 AS oz2,
                inserted.nepouzivat_oz3 AS oz3,
                inserted.nepouzivat_oz4 AS oz4
            INTO @info_table;
            -- Comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment.
            -- Comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment.
            SET @result = @@ROWCOUNT
            -- Comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment.
            -- Comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment.
            DELETE FROM obchodni_zastupci
            WHERE obchodni_zastupci.kod IN (
                SELECT kod FROM @info_table AS it WHERE it.action = ''UPDATE''
            -- Comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment.
            -- Comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment.
            UPDATE dodaci_adresy
                SET custID = f.ID
            FROM firmy AS f,  dodaci_adresy AS da
            WHERE da.custID IS NULL AND f.kod = da.kod_firmy
            COMMIT TRANSACTION tran_firmy
        END TRY
            ROLLBACK TRANSACTION tran_firmy
            SET @result = -1  -- Comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment.
        END CATCH
        RETURN @result          -- Comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment.
    DECLARE @code nvarchar(MAX) = REPLACE(@template, N'@datasource', N'testdb.dbo.source_table');
    exec (@code);