In angular material 1 we are having layout property called flex-gt-xs.what is the equivalent to this in angular-2 material and if any one knows any usable links for layout in angular-2 material
<md-input placeholder="check" flex-gt-xs ></md-input>
The above markups didn't throw any error but the layout is also not working in angular-2 material.
Looking at their documentation it seems like this feature doesn't implemented yet: Angular material 2 documentation Look at that big table, and search for "layout" in the first column. It says: Not started.
You can use CSS3 flexbox to achieve the same result (with a little bit of extra work). Also you may want to use media queries to create a responsive layout.
If you don't want to bother with media queries, check out this project: Flexboxgrid. It gives you a framework to deal with responsive layouts, it's similar to bootstrap's layout system, fairly easy to use. I've used it before, pretty good.
Hope this helps.