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Escape from ampersand in batch variables

I'm trying to put together a complex batch script that does multiple things at once. I'm getting hung on one portion of it. I want the script to ask for a customer number then place that number in a specific spot in a URL. The problem is that the URL has an ampersand and when I echo the variable contents it gives an error.

@echo off
set /p id="Enter ID: "
set URL=
set FULLURL=%URL%id%^&therestofurl
@echo %FULLURL%

Any help you guys could give would be great.


  • If you set your variable with quotes then you do not need to escape the ampersand. But because you have the ampersand you need to echo the variable with delayed expansion.

     @echo off
     set /p id="Enter ID: "
     set URL=
     set "FULLURL=%URL%/%id%&therestofurl"
     setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
     echo !FULLURL!

    If you keep the escape character in the variable and quote surround your set command then you can echo the variable as is.

     @echo off
     set /p id="Enter ID: "
     set URL=
     set "FULLURL=%URL%/%id%^&therestofurl"
     echo %FULLURL%