I'm using MySQL
c# 4
My Procedure parameter is NVARCHAR(100)
So what I'm doing is
MySqlParameter DBParam1 = new MySqlParameter("var_Name", (object)(string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name)? DBNull.Value : Name));
MySqlCommand _DBCommand = new MySqlCommand();
_DBCommand.Connection = _DBConnection;
_DBCommand.CommandText = "udsp_ProcedureName";
_DBCommand.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
so this is throwing "ErrorMessage":"Unhandled type encountered"
How can i solve this?
what i looked into
How do I Parameterize a null string with DBNull.Value clearly and quickly
Is there a more elegant form for assigning NULL to InsertCommand's NVarChar?
Passing DBNull.Value
type will throw an exception
"ErrorMessage":"Unhandled type encountered"
So I passed this as Empty string.
MySqlParameter DBParam1 = new MySqlParameter("var_Name", (object)(string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name)? string.Empty : Name));