I want to find and save all values greater than 0 in an array and save them in a variable called "times". How do I do that? And what is the difference between saving the indices of those cells versus the actual values of the cells?
This is what I have tried, but it must be worng because I get the error:
Undefined operator '>' for input arguments of type 'cell'.
clear all, close all
[num,txt,raw] = xlsread('test.xlsx');
times = find(raw(:,5)>0)
To access the contents of a cell you must use {}
instead of ()
idx = find([raw{:, 5}] > 0);
But this gives you the index of the cells of raw
containing a positive value. If you want the values instead, you can access them and collect them in a numeric array in this way:
times = [raw{idx, 5}];