I started with a RCP-Plug-in and wrote an own Editor. Running the project I've got this error
"Unable to retrieve the bundle from the URI: bundleclass://org.eclipse.e4.tools.emf.ui/org.eclipse.e4.tools.emf.ui.internal.handlers.ResetToDefaultHandler". I have the last error message with a lot of other handlers, too, e.g. "AutosizeColumnsHandler", "UnmarkItemsHandler", "RepairDuplicateItemsHandler"...
I've checked with OSGi-console that OSGi can't see my bundle. I don't use e4 modeling in my project.
I'm running my RCP as a product " org.eclipse.sdk.ide".
Does anybody know what to do?
Thanks in advance.
The solution was to run the RCP as an application org.eclipse.ui.ide.workbench
. Furthermore "add Required Plug-ins" in the "plug-in" tab in the run configuration did not add the plugin org.eclipse.equinox.ds
, which was necessary. I added it manually.