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plone zodb ERROR CMFUid ASSERT

we have a very large Data.fs (~15Gb) - I think this comes trough usage of "Working Copy Support" with custom folderish content types!

If I try to use "portal_historiestorage", the instance quits and shows > XX errors of:

ERROR CMFUid ASSERT: 17 objects have 1642 as uid!!!

How can I clear this objects and shrink my DB? I already cleared/rebuild "portal_catalog", reference_catalog and uid_catalog

thanks in advance

plone 3.3.6


  • I also had this kind of problem. In my case it was the cmf_uid index missing in the portal_catalog: so every search was returning all the catalog brains.

    So I guess that the problem in the question was related to the fact that multiple objects have been indexed with the same cmf_uid (which is an attribute on the object).

    [b.getObject() for b in portal_catalog(cmf_uid='1642')] 

    should point out the relevant objects.

    You should take the objects and verify they have a proper cmf_uid, taking care of possible acquisition problems.