I am quite new to Assembly and I am trying to create a program that uses scanf to receive a number from the user. It then outputs "Result: (the number)" I keep getting a segmentation error upon running the code. This is the code I have got now:
.global main
mystring: .asciz"input\n"
formatstring: .asciz" %d"
resultstring: .asciz "Result: %ld\n"
movq $0, %rax
movq $mystring, %rdi
call printf
call inout
movq $0, %rax
movq $resultstring, %rdi
call printf
jmp end
pushq %rbp
subq $8, %rsp
leaq -8(%rbp), %rsi
movq $formatstring, %rdi
movq $0, %rax
call scanf
popq %rbp
movq $0, %rdi
call exit
I suspect there is something wrong with the 'inout' method. Any solutions to make this program working?
leaq -8(%rbp), %rsi
In this instruction you are referring to the %rbp
register but you forgot to actually initialize it!