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WebTestRequest.ReportingName is ignored when using VS Team Services

I have the following method in my custom WebTest:

private WebTestRequest CreateRequest(CommandInput command)
    WebTestRequest request = new WebTestRequest(URL);
    request.ReportingName = command.CommandName;
    request.Method = command.HttpMethod;

    // ...

    return request;

On my GetRequestEnumerator I am calling the method like this:

public override IEnumerable<WebTestRequest> GetRequestEnumerator()
     return new CommandInput[]
         new CommandInput() { CommandName = "configuration", HttpMethod = "POST" },
         new CommandInput() { CommandName = "login", HttpMethod = "POST" },
         new CommandInput() { CommandName = "quick_view", HttpMethod = "GET" },
         new CommandInput() { CommandName = "esign_document", HttpMethod = "POST" }

Note: The original code is more complicated than this, but it is irrelevant.

This is working fine when running the load test on my local machine:

You can see that each request is being identified by the value of ReportingName property

Local summary

However, If I run the load test on Visual Studio Online services, requests are grouped by URL instead of the value on ReportingName:

Cloud summary

Requests are being grouped as command {GET} and command {POST} because the URL is the same for every request on my test case (, only differing by HTTP method on some of them.

I searched for hours on the Internet and only managed to find this open thread about it on MSDN:

Reporting Name does not show up in Page Results of Online Load Test

What is happening?


  • This issue will be fixed by 10/16.

    Posted by Shiva [MSFT] on 9/28/2016 at 8:59 AM

    Thanks for reporting this issue. We have fixed the issue and would deploy it by 10/16.