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Xcode 8 Image Completion

In Xcode 8, you have images autocompleted while typing.

Question is : Why?

I tried to init UIImage with the suggested result, but it doesn't work.

Inside UIImage Outside UIImage

Does anyone know how to use it ?


  • Xcode 8 will automatically recognize any images you’ve got in an Asset Catalog and offer them up as a suggestion inside of a UIImage initializer.

    So basically what you need to do is just the following (as you have done in your question, but there must be something else that´s disturbing it):

    let i = voiture // image name

    And then just use i when you want to set an image.

    Under the hood it’s creating code that looks like this: #imageLiteral(resourceName: "voiture.png"). But inline in the source editor, you’ll just see the file name of the image. The #imageLiteral syntax is only recognised on Swift 3 or later.

    Here is a demonstration video link where I do this and here is a link to a sample project that I created.

    Note that you need to click on the instellisense suggestion so that you see a thumbnail of the image in the code and then the image name.

    Update 1

    This functionality remains in Xcode Version 9.0 beta 6 (9M214v) enter image description here

    Update 2

    Xcode 11.2.1, this is not appearing anymore.