I'm getting an error Array to string conversion
at pathinfo after using base64 decode image. Error occurs when trying to put my files into diretory. I need to maintain the name of the image.
BTW my image files came from js DOM
var formG = new FormData();
for(var i=0; i<imageTrust.length;i++){
formG.append('file_multiImage[]', imageTrust[i]);
$multi_image = $_POST['file_multiImage'];
foreach ($multi_image as $key => $value) {
$staticName = $event_id.'conNo'.$finalContestantNum;
$data = str_replace('data:image/jpeg;base64,', '', $value);
$data = str_replace(' ', '+', $data);
$data = base64_decode($data);
$file = pathinfo( $staticName . PATHINFO_EXTENSION); //Error occurs here
file_put_contents($theDir.'/'. $file, $data);
The array result
[0] => 
[1] => 
[2] => 
//I did not just continue strings are too long
There is syntax issue that the parser wouldn't have detected.
$file = pathinfo( $staticName . PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
change to
$file = pathinfo( $staticName , PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
however, your next usage of $file
seems invalid, creating a malformed filename for the file_put_contents()
call. By specifying PATHINFO_EXTENSION
you are picking just the extension from
the filename, which doesn't appear to exist.