6 months ago , i was asked to make a database access for our project that has around 30 tables ,( using the Data transfer object pattern ) . we were using Microsoft's sql server back then. so i had to write a script that automatically generates the DAO's and DTO's.( automatically build classes, name them appropriately according tables , and then write the query inside the functions ) , save it as .py and put it in the right folder --- it's only text processing anyway ---.
now the management decided to change the databases to mysql. and i am wondering , is there any already made DAO generators for mysql in python ?? because i seen something like this in java. this will save me lot of work . Please inform me if anything was unclear
i use python 2.6 , linux fedora (i have windows machine too ).
thanks in advance
Moayyad Yaghi
If you're looking for an ORM, then SQLAlchemy and Storm are popular choices.