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C++ - String Array Parameter for SetUnion function

I wrote a function to compute the union of two sets.

I'm running into several compilation errors and I believe that's in part due to how I made the StringUnion array and declared it but nothing I do is working thus far.

This is my header file.

#ifndef StringSet_header
#define StringSet_header
#include <memory>
#include <string>

using std::string;
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::make_unique;

class StringSet{
    //create an empty set
    StringSet() = default;
    StringSet(int capacity);

    //copy a set
    StringSet(const StringSet &);

    StringSet& operator[](const int);

    //Insert a string to the set
    bool insert(string);

    //Remove a string from the set
    bool remove(string);

    //Test whether a string is in the set
    int find(string) const;

    //Get the size of the set
    int size() const;

    //get string at position i
    string get(int i) const;

    //Return the set union of the set and another StringSet
    StringSet setunion(const StringSet&) const;

    //Return the intersection of the set and another StringSet
    StringSet intersection(const StringSet&) const;

    //Return the set diffference of the set and another StringSet
    StringSet difference(const StringSet&) const;

    //prevent default copy assignment
    StringSet& operator=(const StringSet&) = delete;

    int NOT_FOUND = -1;
    static constexpr int def_capacity {4};
    int arrSize {def_capacity};
    int currentSize {0};
    unique_ptr<string[]> arr {make_unique<string[]>(def_capacity)};



And this is my implementation of my SetUnion function.

StringSet StringSet::setunion(const StringSet &Array2) const
    StringSet StringUnion = make_unique<string[]>(arrSize);

    if (currentSize > 0)
        for (auto i=0; i < currentSize; i++)
            auto s = arr[i];
        for (auto i=0; i < Array2.currentSize; i++)
            auto s = Array2[i];
            if (StringUnion.find(s) == NOT_FOUND)
        auto result = StringSet();
        return result;          //return empty StringSet}


|error: conversion from 'std::_MakeUniq<std::basic_string<char> []>::__array {aka std::unique_ptr<std::basic_string<char> []>}' to non-scalar type 'StringSet' requested|

error: passing 'const StringSet' as 'this' argument discards qualifiers [-fpermissive]

error: no matching function for call to 'StringSet::find(StringSet&)'

error: no matching function for call to 'StringSet::insert(StringSet&)'

Insert and find work as intended to and I was able to use insert and find functions within my remove function and some others so why can't I use them here?


  • In your line

    StringSet StringUnion = make_unique<string[]>(arrSize);

    The RHS uses the c++14 construct that takes an std::size_t, and returns an std::unique_ptr<std::string> internally pointing to an array.

    The LHS, however, is a StringSet object.

    You did not define a constructor taking such a type, so it's a problem.

    Looking at your code, StringSet does have a std::unique_ptr<std::string> member, so you could add a ctor taking such an object, and initializing the member from it. However, it's unclear what would be the benefit of such a ctor, as you already have a ctor

    StringSet(int capacity);

    which already essentially does the same.

    As Leon writes, you should just use this one instead of the line you have

    StringSet StringUnion(arrSize);