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Inno Setup Detect (get notified) when WizardForm minimizes and restores

I am in the process of adding a BASS Audio Project in my Pascal Script. Adding a music playback for a very long installation is not bad for the user. But it is good to stop the music when user minimizes the WizardForm to taskbar. And automatically start music if user restores it again from taskbar.

I like to know how can I detect if WizardForm is minimized or restored and pause or start BASS music playing according to WizardForm's window state. (Using functions like like BASS_Pause,BASS_Stop or BASS_Start.)

How and what should I choose to do this? TWindowState or WMSYSCOMMAND?

Thanks in advance.


  • I do not think there's any event that will notify you when the wizard form is minimized or restored. The TForm.WindowState is not available in the Inno Setup Pascal Script either.

    But you can schedule a frequent timer and check for changes in the form state.

    Note the the form is actually hidden, not minimized, when you click the minimize button (there's no minimize animation). So use the GetWindowLong WinAPI function to check for the WS_VISIBLE window style.

      GWL_STYLE = -16; 
      WS_VISIBLE = $10000000;
    function GetWindowLong(hWnd: THandle; nIndex: Integer): LongInt;
      external 'GetWindowLongW@User32.dll stdcall';
    function SetTimer(
      hWnd: longword; nIDEvent, uElapse: LongWord; lpTimerFunc: LongWord): LongWord;
      external 'SetTimer@user32.dll stdcall';
      WasHidden: Boolean;
    procedure HiddenTimerProc(H: LongWord; Msg: LongWord; IdEvent: LongWord; Time: LongWord);
      Hidden: Boolean;
      Style: LongInt;
      Style := GetWindowLong(WizardForm.Handle, GWL_STYLE);
      Hidden := (Style and WS_VISIBLE) = 0;
      if Hidden and not WasHidden then
        Log('Minimized, stopping music...');
      if not Hidden and WasHidden then
        Log('Restored, resuming music...');
      WasHidden := Hidden;
    procedure InitializeWizard();
      WasHidden := False;
      SetTimer(0, 0, 500, CreateCallback(@HiddenTimerProc));

    For CreateCallback function, you need Inno Setup 6. If you are stuck with Inno Setup 5, you can use WrapCallback function from InnoTools InnoCallback library.