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;How encode string like \x31, etc?

i saw a code and that code had all string in a array.. And each array index was like: "\x31\x32\x33", etc..

How i can convert for example "hello" to that encode format?

if is possible, there a online encoder?


  • If you console log the string sequence, you get the decoded strings. So it's as simple as

    console.log('\x31\x32\x33'); // 123

    For encoding said string, you can extend the String prototype:

    String.prototype.hexEncode = function(){
    var hex, i;
    var result = "";
     for (i=0; i<this.length; i++) {
        hex = this.charCodeAt(i).toString(16);
        result += ("\\x"+hex).slice(-4);
     return result


    var a = 'hello';
    a.hexEncode(); //\x68\x65\x6c\x6c\x6f