I am trying to extract the list of ingredients from a xml FDA label in their database. Somehow I can't get the getNodeSet
function to produce the appropriate list of nodes.
Question: How do I fix the code to be able to extract the values of the ingredient names.
This is the code that doesn't work, which breaks at the getNodeSet
function, giving a 0 length list. I tried the [graciously proposed] solution on this answer (flatten xml), and many others with no luck.
URL <- "http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/spl/data/e9b9a189-d9e3-42e3-b41c-846a94ebeb37/e9b9a189-d9e3-42e3-b41c-846a94ebeb37.xml"
xmlDocu <- xmlParse(URL)
xmlIngredients <- getNodeSet(xmlDocu, "//ingredient/ingredientSubstance/name")
Ingredients <- xmlSApply(xmlIngredients, function(x) xmlSApply(x, xmlValue))
dfIngredients <- data.frame(t(Ingredients),row.names=NULL)
This is what a portion interest from the deeply nested xml file looks like:
<ingredient classCode="ACTIB">
<numerator value="160" unit="mg"/>
<denominator value="5" unit="mL"/>
<code code="362O9ITL9D" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.4.9"/>
<code code="362O9ITL9D" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.4.9"/>
<ingredient classCode="IACT">
<code code="3QPI1U3FV8" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.4.9"/>
I believe your problem is related to the namespaces defined in the xml file. The are a couple ways of dealing with this problem. What I prefer is to use xml2 package and strip out the namespaces and then parse the file:
URL <- "http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/spl/data/e9b9a189-d9e3-42e3-b41c-846a94ebeb37/e9b9a189-d9e3-42e3-b41c-846a94ebeb37.xml"
xmlDocu <- read_xml(URL)
#find namespace
#I find it easier to strip the name space and use accordingly
xml_find_all(xmlDocu, "//ingredient")
xml_text(xml_find_all(xmlDocu, "//ingredient/ingredientSubstance/name"))
I find the syntax of the rvest and xml2 easier to use then the XML package.