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accessing websphere 8 shareLib path frim Spring java code

I am making a Spring 4.1.4 REST service and deploying it to websphere application server 8 in my local Windows 7.

I have created a share lib as below and gave its refernce to the respected war file sharedLib configuration

in that location I am keeping my property file as /abc/

loaction of the abc folder in APPSERVER

CODE: I am trying to load the file as below in spring-rest.xml

<bean id="fileSystemResource" class="">

    <constructor-arg value="#{systemProperties['sharedLib']}/abc/">
 <bean id="propertyLoader" name="propertyLoader"     class="com.framework.RuntimeEnvironmentPropertiesConfigurer">

  <property name="propertyLocation" ref="fileSystemResource" /> 

my propertyloader class:which is working fine :::

 public class RuntimeEnvironmentPropertiesConfigurer  extends     PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer implements InitializingBean,RuntimeEnvironmentInterface  {

/** The Environment */
public String environment;

/** The Property Location */
public FileSystemResource propertyLocation;

but sadly this is searching for abc folder in my C:/ drive.

If I keep the following in C:/abc/ my application properties are getting fetched.And application is running fineSo no problem in Loading the Bean.

Also giving my dependencies in pom.xml,not sure if I need to add any other dependency.


But I need to fetch the path from shared lib location. Can anyone help me to point what I am missing? Please provide answer how can I achieve this in Spring .


  • Java System properties in WebSphere come from the Application Server's Process Definition > Java Virtual Machine > Custom Properties, not from WebSphere variables