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String Array to String conversion Swift

I have a string array stored in nsuserdefaults under someKey key.

I'm building the Alamofire query:

var params = [
        "long": lon,
        "lat": lat,
        "startDate": DateCalc.convertValueToDate(defaults.floatForKey("startDate"))
    ] as [String: AnyObject]

Alamofire.request(.GET, "\(serverURL)/tests", parameters: (params))
        .responseJSON { response in

Now, based on some conditions, I would like to append to my params array the previously set String array.

I tried doing it like this:

params["someKey"] = defaults.objectForKey("someKey")

but then the input params look as follows:

params: ["long": 19.09421499999999, "someKey": <__NSCFArray 0x7f8322713990>(

one, two, three ) , "lat": 51.90671500000001,"startDate": 2011-09-28T00:00:00.000Z]

how should I change it so that I can pass the array of strings instead, e.g.:

params: ["long": 19.09421499999999, "someKey": "one, two three", "lat": 51.90671500000001,"startDate": 2011-09-28T00:00:00.000Z]


  • let joinedString = ["one", "two", "three", "four", "five"].joinWithSeparator(", ")