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TYpescript : Static methods on Function as class

I have a fn that inherit an existing fn ( take Angular1 $q for example )

//$q original behavior
var defer = $q.defer();
$q( (resolve, reject) => {
   //promise execution here

If I want to decorate it, I would do :

var Qdecorator = function($delegate) {

     var Q = function(resolver:any): any {
       //do some extra stuff here
       return $delegate.apply($delegate, arguments);

     //Assign the static methods here: 

     Q.defer = function() {
        //do some stuff 
        return $delegate.defer.apply($delegate, []);
     //same goes for race, when, resole reject and so on
     return Q;

Problem is that typescript complains about Property defer, race, when, resolve, etc... does not exist on type '(resolver: any) => any'

I tried to use the IQService, and IPromise with no luck, btu I'd like to raise a more global question :

How do I define late static methods on function() that return an object without using new


  • I am copying pasting the answer to my question from this link:

    interface Counter {
      (start: number): string;
      interval: number;
      reset(): void;
    function getCounter(): Counter {
      let counter = <Counter>function (start: number) { };
      counter.interval = 123;
      counter.reset = function () { };
      return counter;
    let c = getCounter();
    c.interval = 5.0;