I need to substitute default data for one row that doesn't exist. Below is what I have for data followed by what I need to return for data. I'd like to do this in SQL as opposed to building something in PL/SQL. I'm using Oracle 8i.
What I have:
Item Period_start_date Qty_Used
1234 1-MAR-2015 10
1234 1-JUN-2015 32
1234 1-JUL-2015 14
1234 1-SEP-2015 11
What I need:
1234 1-MAR-2015 10
1234 1-APR-2015 0
1234 1-MAY-2015 0
1234 1-JUN-2015 32
1234 1-JUL-2015 14
1234 1-AUG-2015 0
1234 1-SEP-2015 11
Using 8i makes this a little more complicated than it might be in later release.
You can generate a list of all the months in the range covered by your existing data with a hierarchical query, starting from the earliest date and number of months:
select item, min(period_start_date) min_date,
months_between(max(period_start_date), min(period_start_date)) as num_months
from your_table
group by item
... and using that as an inner query for a hierarchical query:
select item, add_months(min_date, level) as period_start_date
from (
select item, min(period_start_date) min_date,
months_between(max(period_start_date), min(period_start_date)) as num_months
from your_table
group by item
connect by level < num_months
That gives you, in this case, six dummy rows, for April to August. (We know we don't need dummy rows for March or September).
You can then exclude any that have real data for the same date with not exists
; and union that with the data from the real table:
select item, period_start_date, qty_used
from your_table
union all
select item, period_start_date, 0
from (
select item, add_months(min_date, level) as period_start_date
from (
select item, min(period_start_date) min_date,
months_between(max(period_start_date), min(period_start_date)) as num_months
from your_table
group by item
connect by level < num_months
) t
where not exists (
select null
from your_table
where item = t.item
and period_start_date = t.period_start_date
order by item, period_start_date;
---------- ----------- ----------
1234 01-MAR-2015 10
1234 01-APR-2015 0
1234 01-MAY-2015 0
1234 01-JUN-2015 32
1234 01-JUL-2015 14
1234 01-AUG-2015 0
1234 01-SEP-2015 11
With a fixed start date you can modify the generated table:
select item, period_start_date, qty_used
from your_table
union all
select item, period_start_date, 0
from (
select item, add_months(date '2013-03-01', level - 1) as period_start_date
from (select distinct item from your_table)
connect by add_months(date '2013-03-01', level - 1) < sysdate
) t
where not exists (
select null
from your_table
where item = t.item
and period_start_date = t.period_start_date
order by item, period_start_date;
You can also left outer join from the generated table data, but of course have to use the old Oracle-specific syntax:
select t.item, t.period_start_date, nvl(yt.qty_used, 0) as qty
from (
select item, add_months(date '2013-03-01', level - 1) as period_start_date
from (select distinct item from your_table)
connect by add_months(date '2013-03-01', level - 1) < sysdate
) t, your_table yt
where yt.item (+) = t.item
and yt.period_start_date (+) = t.period_start_date
order by t.item, t.period_start_date;