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Use of scipy sparse in ode solver

I am trying to solve a differential equation system

x´=Ax with x(0) = f(x)

in python, where A indeed is a complex sparse matrix.

For now i have been solving the system using the scipy.integrate.complex_ode class in the following way.

def to_solver_function(time,vector):
    sendoff =, np.transpose(vector))
    return sendoff

solver = complex_ode(to_solver_function)

solution = [f(x)]
for time in time_grid:
    next = solver.integrate(time)

This has been working OK, but I need to "tell the solver" that my matrix is sparse. I figured out that i should use

Asparse = sparse.lil_matrix(A)

but how do i change my solver to work with this?


  • How large and sparse is A?

    It looks like A is just a constant in this function:

    def to_solver_function(time,vector):
        sendoff =, np.transpose(vector))
        return sendoff

    Is vector 1d? Then np.transpose(vector) does nothing.

    For calculation purposes you want

    Asparse = sparse.csr_matrix(A)

    Does, vector) work? is supposed to be sparse aware. If not, try Asparse*vector. This probably produces a dense matrix, so you may need (Asparse*vector).A1 to produce a 1d array.

    But check the timings. Asparse needs to quite large and very sparse to perform faster than A in a dot product.