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Fluid, access locallang.xlf from another extension

I have a own template and in this template I overwrite the templates of the tx_news:

plugin.tx_news.view {

    templateRootPaths.1 = EXT:my_template/Resources/Private/News/Templates/
    partialRootPaths.1  = EXT:my_template/Resources/Private/News/Partials/
    layoutRootPaths.1 = EXT:my_template/Resources/Private/News/Layouts/

Now I would like to access the locallang.xlf from my_template. I tried this in the ext_table.php of my_template:

    'tt_content.pi_flexform.news_pi1.list', 'EXT:my_template/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf');

And in this locallang.xlf I have:

    <trans-unit id="">

And then in the tx_news List.html I have:

<f:translate key="" />

But I do not get any output.


  • There are two ways of accomplishing the task you are trying to do.

    1. add the argument extensionName to the f:translate ViewHelper like so: <f:translate key="" extensionName="MyTemplate" />
    2. add your locallang key as a full path like so <f:translate key="LLL:EXT:my_template/Resources/Private/Language/" />

    I would prefer the first way, because it is shorter and you can let extbase/fluid decide where to search for the file.