How can I compile a SASS file and have it output all the final values of every variable in a json file I asked a similar question before and someone on here thought I was trying to get you guys to do my job. I'm just trying to see if it's possible at all before I go down a path that ultimately is a waste of time. If it is possible, I don't know the magic sauce to get started.
I have CMS themes that are built on bootstrap-sass, and other sass frameworks, and I'd like my CMS to be able to access variables that we use in the SASS files as well. Seems to me that if when I compiled the SAAS file, I got a CSS, MAP, and JSON file, I'd be all set.
I could write this as some kind of mixin, but even then, I'd need to be able to get
Any pointers on these items are appreciated.
If you're using Gulp to compile your SASS there is a plugin that accomplishes this.
After installing it, and given the following Gulpfile.js:
var sassJson = require('gulp-sass-json');
var paths = {
'json_root' : './bundles/theme/scss/variables/*.scss',
'json_dest' : './json'
var sassOptions = {
errLogToConsole: true,
outputStyle: 'expanded'
gulp.task('sass-json', function () {
return gulp
gulp.task('default', ['sass-json']);
Given the SCSS file variables/colors.scss
$red: #ed1414;
$blue: #0351e0;
$green: #259208;
Outputs the following json at ./json/colors.json
"red": "#ed1414",
"blue": "#0351e0",
"green": "#259208"
So in order to have it re-output it every time you compile, you can just create a task that encompasses this task as well as your normal style compile task.