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How do I query a complex JSONB field in Django 1.9

I have a table item with a field called data of type JSONB. I would like to query all items that have text that equals 'Super'. I am trying to do this currently by doing this:


Django debug toolbar is reporting the query used for this is:

WHERE "item"."data" #> ARRAY['areas', 'texts', 'text'] = '"Super"'

But I'm not getting back any matching results. How can I query this using Django? If it's not possible in Django, then how can I query this in Postgresql?

Here's an example of the contents of the data field:

  "areas": [
      "texts": [
          "text": "Super"
      "texts": [
          "text": "Duper"


  • try Item.objects.filter(data__areas__0__texts__0__text='Super')

    it is not exact answer, but it can clarify some jsonb filter features, also read django docs

    I am not sure what you want to achieve with this structure, but I was able to get the desired result only with strange raw query, it can look like this:

    Item.objects.raw("SELECT id, data FROM (SELECT id, data, jsonb_array_elements(\"table_name\".\"data\" #> '{areas}') as areas_data from \"table_name\") foo WHERE areas_data #> '{texts}' @> '[{\"text\": \"Super\"}]'")

    Dont forget to change table_name in query (in your case it should be yourappname_item).

    Not sure you can use this query in real programs, but it probably can help you to find a way for a better solution.

    Also, there is very good intro to jsonb query syntax

    Hope it will help you