While I have already solved this issue in a previous question using a native query. I am now wondering if it is possible to create a custom expression that is usable in a Criteria without using the where clause? The reason I don't want the where clause is because Oracle's connect by ... start with ...
(here) statement. I followed this page to get my started. However, this will generate code like select * from foo where connect by start with
Here is what I am using. Looking at what gets generated I can say that it is generating the correct statement minus the where clause.
public class StartWithConnectByCriteria : AbstractCriterion
public StartWithConnectByCriteria(string parentName, string parentValue, string childName)
ParentName = parentName;
ParentValue = parentValue;
ChildName = childName;
public string ParentName { get; set; }
public string ParentValue { get; set; }
public string ChildName { get; set; }
public IProjection P { get; set; }
public override IProjection[] GetProjections()
if(P != null)
return new IProjection[] {P};
return null;
public override TypedValue[] GetTypedValues(ICriteria criteria, ICriteriaQuery criteriaQuery)
CriterionUtil.GetTypedValues(criteriaQuery, criteria, P, ParentName, ParentValue.ToString());
public override SqlString ToSqlString(ICriteria criteria, ICriteriaQuery criteriaQuery,
IDictionary<string, IFilter> enabledFilters)
var sqlBuilder = new SqlStringBuilder();
SqlString[] parentColumnNames = CriterionUtil.GetColumnNames(ParentName,
P, criteriaQuery,
criteria, enabledFilters);
SqlString parentColumnName = parentColumnNames[0];
SqlString[] childColumnNames = CriterionUtil.GetColumnNames(ChildName,
P, criteriaQuery,
criteria, enabledFilters);
SqlString childColumnName = childColumnNames[0];
criteriaQuery.AddUsedTypedValues(GetTypedValues(criteria, criteriaQuery));
.Add("start with " + parentColumnName + " = '" + ParentValue + "'")
.Add(" connect by prior " + childColumnName + " = " + parentColumnName);
return sqlBuilder.ToSqlString();
public override string ToString()
return "";
I am using it like this.
StartWithConnectByCriteria criterion =
new StartWithConnectByCriteria(
DetachedCriteria dc = DetachedCriteria.For<NormalUpstream>("nu")
I have a feeling it has to do with the .Add()
from the DetachedCriteria but not 100% sure. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find much documentation about creating a custom expression.
Edit: Now that I think about it looks like I'm barking up the wrong tree. While this isn't crucial (I already have a decent implementation). I'm still interested in seeing how I can further customize NHibernate.
Edit 2: Since out of the box NHibernate doesn't support Oracle's proprietary function, start with ... connect by
. I'm trying to learn more about extending NHibernate by adding native support for it. I'm aware I can register those function with a custom dialect. But I'm wondering if it's possible to implement it as a Criteria so I can use it with my other criteria queries. The code I posted works fine and correctly creates valid SQL but when I add StartWithConnectByCriteria to my criteria, NHibernate will issues a query such as select this_.id from table where start with ... connect by
. Which is an invalid query because that clause does not belong with the where.
This is the query I'd expect for NHibernate to generate.
start with parent_id = 'parent_node_id'
connect by prior child_up_id = parent_id
Notice how there is no where
clause in this query. However, start with ... connect by
could still be used with a where clause
. You can read more about how those keywords work here.
I don't know if the existing NHibernate syntax allows for this, but there is an ANSI standard syntax for hierarchical queries which may prove useful. I believe it only works in 11R2 and above, however, so I'm not sure if it is useful for you. See Recursive Subquery Refactoring for more information.