Is it possible to run the Realm Object Server on Ubuntu 14.04?
There doesn't seem to be explicit documentation on Realm's site that prevents this.
I ran the installation script using
# Setup Realm's PackageCloud repository
curl -s | sudo bash
# Update repositories
sudo apt-get update
The script works fine it detects my operating system and finishes without errors
Detected operating system as Ubuntu/trusty.
The repository is setup! You can now install packages.
However when I want to install the actual package
# Install the Realm Object Server
sudo apt-get install realm-object-server-de
I get the
E: Unable to locate package realm-object-server-de
Yes I did run
sudo apt-get update
multiple times
The Realm Object Server is not available for Ubuntu 14.04 at this time. We only packaged it for Ubuntu 16.04. We are working on providing more packages soon.