after upgrading to Shiny 0.14, the sep
parameter in sliderInput does not work for me anymore (although I am not 100 percent sure that upgrading is really the reason).
When I want to use a sliderInput widget for years, I obviously do not want to have any thousand separators. So I tried this in a minimal example:
ui = basicPage(
sliderInput("test", label = "Test slider", min = 1953, max = 2014, step = 1, sep = "",
value = 1990)
server = function(input, output) {
And this is what I get on my system:
Is Shiny 0.14 really the reason for this? Or am I doing something wrong? If I exchange sep = ""
to sep = ";"
(for example), it works the way it should (; is used as thousand separator).
Thanks for your help.
(I am running R 3.3.1 on Mac OS 10.11.6)
How about this
ui = basicPage(
sliderInput("slider", "Time", min = as.Date("1953-01-01"),max =as.Date("2014-01-01"),value=as.Date("1990-01-01"),timeFormat="%Y")
server = function(input, output) {