Getting issues with Estimote Demo examples provided in the latest SDK. After changing to latest Swift 3 syntax it showed several errors. I fixed few but one I cant. I have attached the image below where it shows error "Type 'BeaconDetailsCloudFactory' does not conform to protocol 'BeaconContentFactory'". How can I fix the problem?
Change code inside the BeaconContentFactory file
protocol BeaconContentFactory {
func contentForBeaconID(_ beaconID: BeaconID, completion:@escaping (_ content: AnyObject) -> ())
What was happening is, in the protocol declaration BeaconContentFactory by the sdk providers the completion is not marked @escaping but when you are implementing the protocol your use case requires the completion to be @escaping so just change the protocol declaration to accept @escaping completion and your error should disappear.
Hope this helps