I have a paper-dialog tags.page.html
<paper-dialog id="test" #tagDialog>
<h2>Tag Dialog</h2>
<tags-form [tag]="tagNameRef.value" [formState]="tagsFormState_ | async" (tag_)="onSaveTag($event)"></tags-form>
inside there is a Angular2 component TagsForm
. I want to close the Dialog when the user click on the method onClose()
of TagsFrom
I did try this but its not working...
onClose() {
let event = new CustomEvent('iron-overlay-canceled',{
bubbles: true,
cancelable: false
What am I doing wrong ? I was thinking that dispatching the event should close the modal. Any pointer as to why this is not working and how to get this to work would be appreciated.
The event iron-overlay-canceled
is fired when the overlay is canceled, but before it doesn't close dialog.
close: function() {
this.opened = false;
cancel: function(event) {
var cancelEvent = this.fire('iron-overlay-canceled', event, {cancelable: true});
if (cancelEvent.defaultPrevented) {
this.opened = false;
You can subscribe on this event, but if you want to close the dialog then you have to fire close
or cancel
method on dialog component.
If you will call cancel
method then it will fire the mentioned above iron-overlay-canceled
and close the dialog. close
method accordingly will just close the dialog.
The easiest way to achieve this would be to use EventEmitter as shown below:
@Output() closeDialog = new EventEmitter();
onClose() {
<paper-dialog id="dialog" #tagDialog>
<h2>Tag Dialog</h2>
<tags-form (closeDialog)="tagDialog.close()"></tags-form>