I am following these instructions to install Hive on Windows 8.1
I downloaded Hive tar from [Hive Apache page] (http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/hive/) and extracted to folder c:\hive\
I have added a new System Variable
set to HIVE_HOME = c:\hive
I have added c:\hive\bin
to Path
I already have Hadoop 2.7.5
up and running fine.
When I try to run hive at command line I get following error:
"Missing Hive Execution Jar: C:\hive\lib/hive-exec-*.jar"
Some of the other SO question/answers suggest .jar files are in other folders.
But I can't find any .jar files in the extracted folders.
I don't want to download any .jars as other answers suggest. Shouldn't required .jar file be in the tar file?
I have vague impression that maybe Hadoop has the required .jar files, and there is something I need to do to tell Hive to get those?
Ok so it looks like you do have download a previous version tar file of Hive and extract it to use the .jar files in its /lib folder.
I had originally downloaded apache-hive-2.1.0 and set that up but it didn't have the .jar files in its /lib folder.
So I went to http://apache.mirror.iweb.ca/hive/ and downloaded hive-1.0.1 and which had .jar files in it.
Then copied those in the empty /lib file in apache-hive-2.1.0 installation.
Now Hive is working fine!