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Adding fonts in Qualtrics

Is it possible to add custom fonts in CSS in Qualtrics; i.e. exotic fonts that are not already proposed (Arial, ComicSansMS, CourrierNew, Georgia, Lucida…)?

I've implemented a <link rel="stylesheet'…> directing to an external stylesheet referring to custom fonts, but it doesn't work. Inline CSS works for other fonts, but not for non-websafe fonts.


    1. Put in the first lines a link tag to the .css: <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    2. Create the .css folder that contains:

        @font-face {
                  font-family: 'fontOne';
                  font-style: normal;
                  font-weight: 400;
                  src: local('fontOne'), url( format('woff');

    1. Refer inline as <p style="font-family:'fontOne';">YourText</p>