I have two modules, one called mainLoop and the other called subroutines:
module mainLoop
using subroutines
export memory
memory = zeros(Int,10)
module subroutines
using mainLoop
export foo
function foo(x::UInt32)
I can't figure out how to change the contents of the array called memory from the subroutine module. I don't have the option of passing the array as an argument to the function so I have to use a global variable. In the documentation, it states:
"Modules can introduce variables of other modules into their scope through the using or import statements or through qualified access using the dot-notation, i.e. each module is a so-called namespace. Note that variable bindings can only be changed within their global scope and not from an outside module."
By variable bindings, does it mean that you can't change the variable contents?
A module can only change its own global variables, not those of other modules. There is a way, of course, to force a module to change its own global variables — by running toplevel code through eval
julia> module A
x = 1
y = 2
julia> module B
using ..A
println("A.x = ", A.x) # can access
A.y = 3 # can't set
A.x = 1
ERROR: cannot assign variables in other modules
julia> A.y
julia> module C
using ..A
println("A.x = ", A.x) # can access
@eval(A, y = 3) # set y = 3, FROM module A
println("A.y = ", A.y) # value of y updated
A.x = 1
A.y = 3
julia> A.y
However, mutating global state — especially some other module's global state — is a code smell and should be avoided if at all possible.