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Show different taxes as columns in Invoices Tree View in OpenERP/Odoo

Spain an invoice could have different taxes: IVA 0%, IVA 4%, IVA 10%, IVA 21%. I need to show in a tree view all these taxes as columns, no matter if they are all present in the same invoice. For example:

num invoice | client | base 0 | base 4 | base 10 | base 21 | iva 0 | iva 4 | iva 10 | iva 21 | total amount

What should I do to get the list of available taxes and bases and put them as columns in the tree view and show the respective amount in each row (if tax applies)?

I'm using OpenERP 7, but I hope you can help me no matter what version you use.


  • The following code was my solution:

    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    from openerp import models, fields, api, _
    # mapping payment method with its human descriptions
        ('bank_transfer', 'Bank transfer'),
        ('commerce_cod', 'Bank debit'),
        ('commerce_sermepa', 'Credit card (POS)'),
        ('commerce_stripe', 'Credit card'),
        ('pagamastarde', 'Funded payment'),
        ('paypal_wps', 'PayPal'),
    class account_invoice_resume(models.Model):
        _name = 'account.invoice.resume'
        _inherit = 'account.invoice'
        _order = 'date_invoice asc, id asc'
        _table = 'account_invoice'
        def _get_partner_parent_name(self):
            for invoice in self:
                if invoice.partner_id.parent_id:
                    name =
                    name =
                invoice.display_name = name
        # Sum products amount for each type of tax and base
        def _specific_tax_amount(self):
            for invoice in self:
                invoice.tax_base_0 = invoice.tax_base_4 = invoice.tax_base_10 = invoice.tax_base_21 = invoice.tax_iva_4 = invoice.tax_iva_10 = invoice.tax_iva_21 = 0.0
                amount_without_taxes = invoice.amount_total # Final total of products without taxes or with tax 0%
                if len(invoice.tax_line) > 0:
                    for line in invoice.tax_line:
                        _tax =
                        amount = line.amount
                        base = line.base
                        if _tax in ['21% IVA soportado (bienes corrientes)','IVA 21% (Bienes)','IVA 21% (Servicios)']: # If tax is IVA 21%
                            invoice.tax_iva_21 += amount
                            invoice.tax_base_21 += base
                            amount_without_taxes -= amount + base
                        elif _tax in ['10% IVA soportado (bienes corrientes)','IVA 10% (Bienes)','IVA 10% (Servicios)']: # If tax is IVA 10%
                            invoice.tax_iva_10 += amount
                            invoice.tax_base_10 += base
                            amount_without_taxes -= amount + base
                        elif _tax in ['4% IVA soportado (bienes corrientes)','IVA 4% (Bienes)']: # If tax is IVA 4%
                            invoice.tax_iva_4 += amount
                            invoice.tax_base_4 += base
                            amount_without_taxes -= amount + base
                        elif _tax is None or _tax in ['','IVA 0% Entregas Intracomunitarias exentas','IVA 0% Exportaciones','IVA Soportado exento (operaciones corrientes)']: # If tax is IVA 0%
                            invoice.tax_base_0 += base
                            amount_without_taxes -= base
                    # Sum residual amount of prices without 4%, 10% o r21% taxes to base 0
                    invoice.tax_base_0 += amount_without_taxes
                    invoice.tax_base_0 = invoice.amount_total