I would like to filter results with several parameters: a boolean status, a category, and a keyword that would be search either on the title or the description (localized fields).
I am a newbie for this. I succeeded to make the query work when I ommit the description keyword criteria :
$advertList = new Object\Advert\Listing();
$conditions = [];
if ($this->getParam("keyword"))
$conditions[] = " title LIKE " . $advertList->quote("%" . $this->getParam("keyword") . "%");
if ($this->getParam("reqoffer")) {
$conditions[] = "reqoffer LIKE " . $advertList->quote("%" . $this->getParam("reqoffer") . "%");
if($this->getParam("category")) {
$conditions[] = "category__id = " . $this->getParam("category");
$advertList->setCondition(implode(" AND ", $conditions));
But when I want to add my "or condtion" :
$conditions[] = "( title LIKE " . $advertList->quote("%" . $this->getParam("keyword") . "%") .
// " OR shorttext LIKE " . $advertList->quote("%" . $this->getParam("keyword") . "% )");
I can't succeed to make my firt query on the keyword in parenthesis for the "OR" : I mean at the end, I get results even if category or reqoffer is wrong as long as title is ok...
I have been looking for many hours and tried many things. I could not find the same issue. I am sure this is obvious for some of you. Please help if you can.
Thanks in advance.
If you want to build conditions like WHERE (a AND b) OR c
you need to do something like this (pseudo-code):
$or_conditions = [];
$and_conditions = [];
if (needA)
$and_conditions[] = "a";
if (needB)
$and_conditions[] = "b";
$or_conditions[] = "(" . implode(" AND ", $and_conditions) . ")";
$advertList->setCondition(implode(" OR ", $or_conditions));