So I have a "Ball" (player) that you control, when the player hits a "colorOrb" the Ball changes to that colour all at random, so that part works, but I'm stuck on how to detect if the player changes to a random colour on how to detect if once it goes through a wall also of a random colour if they are both the same colour and add +1 or whatever to score. I've tried multiple ways but can't seem to figure it out. thanks in advance :)
Given a Ball
and a Wall
class Ball: SKSpriteNode { }
class Wall: SKSpriteNode { }
In your didBegin(contact:)
just compare the color
class GameScene: SKScene, SKPhysicsContactDelegate {
func didBegin(_ contact: SKPhysicsContact) {
let nodeA = contact.bodyA.node
let nodeB = contact.bodyB.node
guard let nodes: (ball:Ball, wall:Wall) = (nodeA, nodeB) as? (Ball, Wall) ?? (nodeB, nodeA) as? (Ball, Wall) else { return }
if nodes.ball.color == nodes.wall.color {
// same color
// TODO...