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Set default value for image width in TYPO3 Neos

I would like to set a default value for an image width in TYPO3 Neos.

Right now an editor may insert any image and the »width« value will be equal to the original size by default.

Example Image Width

First question:

I would like to set a default of 400 pixel instead. But the width field is no distinct node property, but an attribute of »image«. How do I set default values for attributes in Neos?

Second question:

What would I need to do, to completely hide the pixel based value field and offer an selection instead? Like „Option 1: Small teaser (150px), Option 2: Regular content image (400px), Option 3: Large image (980px)“. Should I somehow remove the »width« attribute and add a new property node? Or may I change the type of the attribute somehow?


  • you can extend and configure default NodeType (TYPO3.Neos.NodeTypes:ImageMixin) for ImageEditor in Neos CMS.

    Follow this steps:

    Step 1: Create new configuration file NodeTypes.Mixins.yaml in your sitepackage (for example: /Packages/Sites/YourSitePackageName/Configuration/NodeTypes.ImageMixin.yaml)

    Step 2: Copy default configuration for ImageMixin from Neos CMS Core (/Packages/Application/TYPO3.Neos.NodeTypes/Configuration/NodeTypes.Mixin.yaml) and remove properties which you doesn't like to extend/configure/override (for example: alternativeText and title). At the end you must have similar code:

    `# Image mixin
      abstract: TRUE
              label: i18n
              position: 5
          type: TYPO3\Media\Domain\Model\ImageInterface
            label: i18n
            reloadIfChanged: TRUE
              group: 'image'
              position: 50`

    Step 3: If you like to hide pixel base value fields (width, height) and crop button, you must add following editor options to image property:

    position: 50
        crop: FALSE --> hides crop button
        resize: FALSE --> hides pixel based value fields

    You can read more about this in Neos Documentation.

    Step 4: For selection of predefined image sizes we add custom property imageSize (you can use other name) with following configuration:

      type: string
        label: 'Select Image Size'
        reloadIfChanged: TRUE
          group: 'image'
          position: 60
          editor: 'TYPO3.Neos/Inspector/Editors/SelectBoxEditor'
                label: 'Small teaser (150x150)'
                label: 'Regular content image (400x270)'
                label: 'Large image (980x500)'
            allowEmpty: TRUE

    This configuration add an select field with custom image sizes.

    Step 5: Now we need to override default Image NodeType in TypoScript. Add following code to your Root.ts (/Packages/Sites/YourSitePackageName/Resources/Private/TypoScript/Root.ts2) (maybe you use other typoscript file).

    prototype(TYPO3.Neos.NodeTypes:Image) {
      // overwrite template for images
      templatePath = 'resource://Vendor.YouSitePackageName/Private/Templates/NodeTypes/Image.html'
      // define maximumWidth for images
      maximumWidth = TYPO3.TypoScript:Case {
        smallCondition {
            condition = ${q(node).property('imageSize') == 'small'}
            renderer = 150
        regularCondition {
            condition = ${q(node).property('imageSize') == 'regular'}
            renderer = 400
        largeCondition {
            condition = ${q(node).property('imageSize') == 'large'}
            renderer = 980
        fallback {
            condition = ${q(node).property('imageSize') == ''}
            renderer = 400
      // define maximumHeight for images
      maximumHeight = TYPO3.TypoScript:Case {
        smallCondition {
            condition = ${q(node).property('imageSize') == 'small'}
            renderer = 150
        regularCondition {
            condition = ${q(node).property('imageSize') == 'regular'}
            renderer = 270
        largeCondition {
            condition = ${q(node).property('imageSize') == 'large'}
            renderer = 500
        fallback {
            condition = ${q(node).property('imageSize') == ''}
            renderer = 270
      allowCropping = true

    TYPO3.TypoScript:Case works like switch-function in PHP. We use this function for maximumWidth and maximumHeight. After create an condition for every option. In this condition we check which image size is selected and then write custom pixel value for width and height. With fallback condition you can define default value if image size is empty or was not selected.

    The final solution may look as follows: Example: Select Image Size

    I hope this solution was helpful.