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Get face coordinates using affdex sdk

It's possible to get face coordinates in image source file or frame? Some thing like:

            face.Height = Affdex.Face[0].PositionHeight;
            face.Left = Affdex.Face[0].PositionLeft;
            face.Top = Affdex.Face[0].PositionTop;
            face.Width = Affdex.Face[0].PositionWidth;


  • The bounding box for each face is not provided directly via the Affdex SDKs, but they do provide coordinates for all the face points, so to determine a face's bounding box, all you need to do is iterate through its face points and track the max/min values in each dimension.

    As an example, see the drawFacePoints method in the DrawingView class of the AffdexMe sample app: