I do not find a full documentation of all return values of the Weather Service REST Api calls
The is only the JSON description like https://twcservice.mybluemix.net/rest-api/ But was does each value mean?
For example what is: "rh": ? "wspd": ? "wdir": ?
There is a getting started https://new-console.ng.bluemix.net/docs/services/Weather/index.html?pos=2 , but I do not find the full documentation.
Here is a example for the JSON ...
"forecasts": [
"class": "string",
"expire_time_gmt": 0,
"fcst_valid": 0,
"fcst_valid_local": "2016-09-05",
"temp": 0,
"icon_extd": 0,
"icon_code": 0,
"dow": "string",
"phrase_12char": "string",
"phrase_22char": "string",
"phrase_32char": "string",
"pop": 0,
"precip_type": "string",
"rh": 0,
"wspd": 0,
"wdir": 0,
"wdir_cardinal": "string",
"gust": 0,
"mslp": 0,
"num": 0,
"day_ind": "string",
"dewpt": 0,
"hi": 0,
"wc": 0,
"feels_like": 0,
"subphrase_pt1": "string",
"subphrase_pt2": "string",
"subphrase_pt3": "string",
"qpf": 0,
"snow_qpf": 0,
"clds": 0,
"uv_index_raw": 0,
"uv_index": 0,
"uv_desc": "string",
"uv_warning": 0,
"golf_index": 0,
"golf_category": "string",
"severity": 0
I found that the documentation of the Weather Company Data API (still Bluemix but now deprecated) provides way more information.
For example, it says:
rh: (integer) The daytime relative humidity of the air, [...] is always expressed as a percentage.
wspd: (integer) The maximum forecasted daytime wind speed.
wdir: (integer) Daytime average wind direction in magnetic notation.