is there way to set a starting zoom out value for shinobi charts?
I already tried setting back one date to starting date and adding a date to ending date for the SChartDateRange (X axis) but no resolve.
Thanks in advance!
Current Table & Axis Setup
@IBOutlet weak var chartView: UIView!
private var chart:ShinobiChart?
private let chartDataSource = LineGraphModDataSource()
override func viewDidLoad()
chart = ShinobiChart(frame: chartView.bounds)
func setupChart()
chart?.delegate = self
chart?.licenseKey = Constants.shared.getLicenseKey()
chart?.title = "Chart #9"
chart?.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleHeight , .flexibleWidth]
chart?.datasource = chartDataSource
/* X axis - Dates */
let dateRange:SChartDateRange = chartDataSource.getInititalDateRange()
chart?.xAxis = SChartDateTimeAxis()
chart?.xAxis.range = dateRange
chart?.xAxis.axisPosition = SChartAxisPositionNormal
chart?.xAxis.title = "Dates"
chart?.xAxis.labelFormatString = "MM dd yy"
chart?.xAxis.majorTickFrequency = SChartDateFrequency.dateFrequency(withDay: 3)
chart?.xAxis.minorTickFrequency = SChartDateFrequency.dateFrequency(withDay: 1)
chart? = true
chart? = true
chart? = true
chart? = true
chart? = true
//axis movement
chart?.xAxis.enableGesturePanning = true
chart?.xAxis.enableGestureZooming = true
chart?.xAxis.enableMomentumPanning = true
chart?.xAxis.enableMomentumZooming = true
/* Y axis - Values */
chart?.yAxis = SChartNumberAxis()
chart?.yAxis.defaultRange = SChartRange(minimum: 0, andMaximum: 10)
chart?.yAxis.title = "Y axis"
chart?.yAxis.axisPosition = SChartAxisPositionReverse
chart?.yAxis.majorTickFrequency = 1
chart?.yAxis.minorTickFrequency = 1
chart?.yAxis.rangePaddingLow = 0.5
chart?.yAxis.rangePaddingHigh = 0.5
chart? = true
chart? = true
chart? = true
chart? = true
chart? = true
//axis movement
chart?.yAxis.enableGesturePanning = true
chart?.yAxis.enableGestureZooming = true
chart?.yAxis.enableMomentumPanning = true
chart?.yAxis.enableMomentumZooming = true
Was able to achieve this by specifying an initial data range when creating the chart.
In addition to providing a data range, the date range must be expanded so the graph can seem zoomed out as soon it loads.
For example, lets say that your initial date range:
The first date on your range must be rolled back 1 day and the last day must be moved up 1 day. So the range would become:
View Controller
SChartDateRange * startingDateRange = [self.datasource getInitialDateRange];
self.chart.xAxis = [[SChartDateTimeAxis alloc] initWithRange:startingDateRange];
self.chart.xAxis.majorTickFrequency = [[SChartDateFrequency alloc]initWithDay:1];
-(SChartDateRange *)getInitialDateRange {
NSInteger lastIndex = [self.afterData count];
lastIndex = lastIndex-1;
NSDate * minDate = [self getDateFromIndex:0];
NSDate * maxDate = [self getDateFromIndex:lastIndex];
//expanding range by 1 day so its more visible on map
NSInteger secondInDay = 86164;
minDate = [minDate dateByAddingTimeInterval:-secondInDay];
maxDate = [maxDate dateByAddingTimeInterval:secondInDay];
SChartDateRange * range = [[SChartDateRange alloc]initWithDateMinimum:minDate andDateMaximum:maxDate];
return range;