I'm using the parse4cn1 to enable push notifications for my cn1 app (with a hosted parse server called back4app). I want to add a custom icon for the notification tray in Android, and I need to add a line to the <application>
section of the manifest.xml file:
<meta-data android:name="com.parse.push.notification_icon" android:resource="@drawable/push_icon"/>
Where do I put the png file within the cn1 project structure?
The correct answer has already been posted here on SO by Hen Fishbein, one of the co-founders of CodenameOne, but for some reason it was very hard for me to find, so I'm reiterating it:
Put a file named ic_stat_notify.png in the src/ folder of the project. The icon should conform to the Android guidelines for such icons, as stipulated in the docs. The official recommendation is to add 5 differently-sized icons for the various screen density buckets, all of them being 24 dp, with a 22 dp area for the icon and 2 dp of padding. The CodenameOne project only allows one file, so I recommend making it 72 pixels, which corresponds to the xhdpi bucket.