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How do timeouts work in Hystrix with Observables?

I'm working on a Hystrix-enabled Spring Boot-app using Reactive Observables and trying to figure out how timeouts works. I assumed that if a timeout happened during execution, Hystrix would immediately return a response (fallback or exception). Now this seems not to be the case given my code below. Instead the call to myService.getString() blocks for 5 secs. When it finally returns, the throwable lambda is executed.

Are my assumptions incorrect or is something else wrong below?

public class App {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    ApplicationContext ctx =, args);

public class MyController {

  private MyService myService;

  public DeferredResult index() {

    DeferredResult<String> result = new DeferredResult<>();
    Observable<String> res = myService.getString();

    res.subscribe(s -> {
                result.setResult("Got a " + s);
            throwable -> {
                result.setErrorResult("Got a " + throwable.getMessage());

    return result;

public class MyService {

  @HystrixCommand() // Default timeout is 1 sec
  public Observable<String> getString() {
    return Observable.create(subscriber -> {
        if (!subscriber.isUnsubscribed()) {

            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            subscriber.onNext("regular response");

pom.xml:"> 4.0.0







Thanks for any help!


  • Please clarify what's the isolation of your hystrix command and what hystrix version did you use?

    "Timeouts now apply to semaphore-isolated commands as well as thread-isolated commands. Before 1.4.x, semaphore-isolated commands could not timeout. They now have a timeout registered on another (HystrixTimer) thread, which triggers the timeout flow. If you use semaphore-isolated commands, they will now see timeouts"

    Anyway try to:

    1. Switch to THREAD isolation with own thread pool.
    2. Sleep in cycle with smaller periods.