I'm trying to check if file exists or not. I tried simple http URL for the task but file_exists()
does not support (my php version is 5.5.12
and allow url fopen
is activated ).
So i tried in different way and its working, see below
if(file_exists(__DIR__.'\email_template.php')) {
echo 'Template is available.';
Problem is that i'm adding template name dynamically and i need backslash between __DIR__
and $temp_name
but i can't concatenate properly. I tried below
$__DIR = __DIR__.'\';
$__DIR = __DIR__.'"\"';
$__DIR = __DIR__."\";
But no one is working, its return syntac error. So can anyone guide me how can i fix the issue i would like to appreciate. Thank you
Try this:
$__DIR = __DIR__.'\\';
Backshlash is special char in PHP (and other languages as well), that is used for noting that chars after them should be interpreted in special way - and is named "escape char". You do not want this to happen, so You should escape backshlas... By using one more backshlash. ;)
You can read more here.