Here is a part of my script:
foreach $i ( @contact_list ) {
print "$i\n";
$e = "zcat $file_list2| grep $i";
print "$e\n";
$f = qx($e);
print "$f";
prints properly but $f
gives a blank line even when $file_list2
has a match for $i
Can anyone tell me why?
Always is better to use Perl's grep instead of using pipe :
@lines = `zcat $file_list2`; # move output of zcat to array
die('zcat error') if ($?); # will exit script with error if zcat is problem
# chomp(@lines) # this will remove "\n" from each line
foreach $i ( @contact_list ) {
print "$i\n";
@ar = grep (/$i/, @lines);
print @ar;
# print join("\n",@ar)."\n"; # in case of using chomp
Best solution is not calling zcat, but using zlib library :
use IO::Zlib;
# ....
# place your defiiniton of $file_list2 and @contact list here.
# ...
$fh = new IO::Zlib; $fh->open($file_list2, "rb")
or die("Cannot open $file_list2");
@lines = <$fh>;
#chomp(@lines); #remove "\n" symbols from lines
foreach $i ( @contact_list ) {
print "$i\n";
@ar = grep (/$i/, @lines);
print (@ar);
# print join("\n",@ar)."\n"; #in case of using chomp