I am using Emacs with SLIME for my development environment. When I type (write-to
and then C-M-i
I get the following autocompletions:
Click on a completion to select it.
In this buffer, type RET to select the completion near point.
Possible completions are:
I know Common Lisp is powerful, but I guess write-to-sting
is not in the ANSI standard. Google didn't offer a single hit for this function. Then I tried to find it in the SBCL code, but alas
(documentation 'write-to-sting 'function)
returns nil
so it doesn't have a documentation string.
When I try to execute the function (write-to-sting)
I get The function COMMON-LISP-USER::WRITE-TO-STING is undefined.
Apropos also finds an unbound function:
(apropos 'write-to)
My question is: What is going on? Does anyone knows the story behind this function?
At some point during your interaction with the Lisp environment, you wrote write-to-sting
and it was read by the Lisp reader. The symbol was interned in the COMMON-LISP-USER package. After all, maybe you intended to implement a function that sends an email to Sting, who knows?
Auto-completion works by filtering the currently known symbols in the environment.
You can safely (unintern 'write-to-sting)
(or implement it).