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Handling AfterRowActivate and CellChange events simultaneously

I'm using a UltraGrid and I have interest in handling AfterRowActivate and CellChange events. Clicking on a cell in a boolean type column and a non-active row triggers both events, first AfterRowActivate and then CellChange. Is there any way of knowing in the method that handles the AfterRowActivate that event was fired by clicking on a cell in the boolean column and therefore also will be fired CellChange event?


  • There is no direct way to find if a boolean cell was clicked in AfterRowActivate event. This event may fire and when the row was activated after clicking on row selector for example. What you can try is get the UIElement where the user clicked. If the UIElement is CheckEditorCheckBoxUIElement this most probably shows that check box cell was clicked.

    private void UltraGrid1_AfterRowActivate(object sender, EventArgs e)
        var grid = sender as UltraGrid;
        if(grid == null)
        //  Get the element where user clicked
        var element = grid.DisplayLayout.UIElement.ElementFromPoint(grid.PointToClient(Cursor.Position));
        //  Check if the element is CheckIndicatorUIElement. If so the user clicked exactly
        //  on the check box. The element's parent should be CheckEditorCheckBoxUIElement
        CheckEditorCheckBoxUIElement checkEditorCheckBoxElement = null;
        if(element is CheckIndicatorUIElement)
            checkEditorCheckBoxElement = element.Parent as CheckEditorCheckBoxUIElement;
        //  Check if the element is CheckEditorCheckBoxUIElement. If so the user clicked
        //  on a check box cell, but not on the check box
        else if(element is CheckEditorCheckBoxUIElement)
            checkEditorCheckBoxElement = element as CheckEditorCheckBoxUIElement;
        //  If checkEditorCheckBoxElement is not null check box cell was clicked
        if(checkEditorCheckBoxElement != null)
            //  You can get the cell from the parent of the parent of CheckEditorCheckBoxUIElement
            //  Here is the hierarchy:
            //  CellUIElement
            //      EmbeddableCheckUIElement
            //          CheckEditorCheckBoxUIElement
            //              CheckIndicatorUIElement
            //  Find the CellUIElement and get the Cell of it
            if(checkEditorCheckBoxElement.Parent != null && checkEditorCheckBoxElement.Parent.Parent != null)
                var cellElement = checkEditorCheckBoxElement.Parent.Parent as CellUIElement;
                if(cellElement != null)
                    var cell = cellElement.Cell;