I am trying to create an album and upload images into it using imgurpython. However, I am not able to attach images to the album. It is giving me following error: (403) The album you're requesting does not belong to your account
. Following is my code:
client = ImgurClient(client_id, client_secret)
def CreateAlbumAndUploadImages(albumName,albumDescription,images):
fields = {}
fields['title'] = albumName
fields['description'] = albumDescription
fields['privacy'] = 'public'
x = client.create_album(fields)
y = client.album_add_images(x['id'],images) #error here
return x
def UploadPhoto(images):
config = {
'name': 'some image name here',
'title': 'some title here',
'description': 'some description here'}
image = client.upload_from_path(image_path, config=config, anon=False)
return image
def main():
#x = CreateAlbum('Album 101','Album 101 desciption')
id = []
id.append( UploadPhoto(['image1.jpg'])['id'])
id.append( UploadPhoto(['image2.jpg'])['id'])
x = CreateAlbumAndUploadImages('albumNameHere','some description here',id)
if __name__ == '__main__':
NOTE: I am trying to build a bot, hence calling authorize on web is not an option
I had a similar problem and figured it out by realizing that I hadn't fully authenticated the client. To do so you must do this:
client = ImgurClient(client_id,client_secret, refresh_token)
client.set_user_auth(access_token, refresh_token)
Then it should work. If you need to get access and refresh token then do:
client = ImgurClient(client_id, client_secret)
print client.get_auth_url('pin') #go to page and copy down pin
creds = client.authorize(raw_input('Pin: '), 'pin')
client.set_user_auth(creds['access_token'], creds['refresh_token'])
#You will only need to do this once per user, store tokens
After that, just save your access token and refresh token and just include it in the first example.