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NotesException:Older version on server does not support this method

Lotusscript calling Java class get this error. abstract: Product Area: Domino Designer on Eclipse (DDE)

Technical Area: Application Development

Platform: Windows 2008 R2 64bit

Release: 8.5.3

Reproducible: Always

1 create SqlTest script libray(Java) in Notes database.

    import java.sql.Connection;

    import java.sql.DriverManager;

    import java.sql.SQLException;

    import java.sql.Statement;

    import lotus.domino.*;

    public class Model{


    Get database connection

    public static Connection getConn(){

    Connection conn = null;

    String SqlDriverName = "";

    String SqlDBUrl = "jdbc:sqlserver://;DatabaseName=TMSTEST";

    String SqlUserName = "sa";

    String Sqlpwd = "1q2w3e4r!";

    try {


    conn = DriverManager.getConnection(SqlDBUrl, SqlUserName, Sqlpwd);

    System.out.println("database connection sucess");

    } catch (Exception e) {


    System.out.println("database connection failure");


    return conn;


    public static boolean test1(String id){


    Connection conn = getConn();

    Statement stmt = null;

    String sql;

    // Open the current Notes db

    try {

    Session s = NotesFactory.createSession("", "admin test/testeam", "testtest");

    System.out.println("session is OK");

    Database db = s.getCurrentDatabase();

    //  System.out.println("Title of URL database: \"" + db.getTitle() + "\"");

    if (db.isOpen())

    System.out.println("Is open");


    System.out.println("Not open");
    Document doc = null;

    //through the id para get the Notesdocument

    doc = db.getDocumentByUNID(id);


    //insert the Notesdocument data to sql

    if (doc != null) {

    sql = "insert into TEST_USER(userID, userName,xqbh) values('123456','"+doc.getItemValueString("fld_xqbh")+"', '"+doc.getItemValueString("fld_xqmc")+"')";

    System.out.println("SQL :"+sql);

    stmt = conn.createStatement();


    System.out.println("excute finish");

    return true;


    return false;


    } catch (NotesException e) {

    // TODO auto generate catch block


    return false;

    }catch(SQLException se){


    return false;



    if(stmt != null) stmt.close();

    if(conn != null) conn.close();

    }catch(Exception e1){






2 in the Notes form:

    Uselsx "*javacon"
    Use "SqlTest"

    Function jTest(id As String) As Boolean

        Dim jSession As New JAVASESSION

        Dim jClass As JAVACLASS

        Dim jObj As JavaObject

        Set jClass = jSession.GetClass("Model")

        'Msgbox jClass.className 

        Call jClass.test1(id)
    End Function

3 use the java class through Lotusscript:

'call java class

Call jTest(doc.UniversalID)

4 debug the program find the error in java console log through IDE(Lotus Domino Designer).use some print sentences and find the error line(Java):

   Database db = s.getCurrentDatabase();

5 I have had seen follow posts.

Invoking method on a Java class from lotus script (LS2J)

passing LotusScript parameter to Java

google Nothing,trouble for days. thanks everyone,thanks in advance.First Posts in stackoverflow.


  • The problem is in the way you get your session: you open a complete new one that has nothing to do with the currently open session. That new session does not have a current database as it is not connected to you frontend session.

    Just initialize your session with this line:

    Session session = getSession();

    Then getCurrentDatabase will work.